seismic methods
Passive Seismic Tomography is a new revolutionary geophysical exploration technique utilizing the natural microseismicity, (microearthquakes with magnitudes of -1 up to 3.0 ML) which occur almost everywhere, as seismic sources and a portable specially designed network of seismometers on the surface to record continuously for a period of a few months.
Detailed 3D seismic velocity (VP and VS), Poisson’s ratio and quality factor Q models of the upper few kiometers of the crust are derived. Such tomographic imaging methods are particularly attractive since they provide not only structural information as conventional 3-D reflection surveys but lithological as well, and do so at a small fraction of the cost of a comparable reflection survey.
Passive Seismic Tomography is suited for exploring regions that present complicated topography, limited access, seismic penetration problems (salt structures) and complicated geologies, such as thrust-belt regions. The method is economical and environmentally friendly, and it can be used to investigate very large regions for the optimal design of planned conventional geophysical surveys.